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Help & FAQ

Yes! The price you pay upon signup will continue with each recurring payment.

You can pay using a credit card (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, JCB, Discovery) or your PayPal account. The credit card payments on ESL Brains are secured and processed by Stripe.

You will be charged for your subscription the moment you subscribe. The next payment date will depend on the type of your subscription. For a monthly plan, you’ll be charged each month on the day you initially subscribed. If you select the annual subscription plan, the next payment date will be scheduled exactly after 1 year.

You can see your next payment date when you are logged in to your account.

Yes, all subscriptions are set for automatic renewal until you cancel. We have a “cancel anytime” policy which means you can cancel the plan and stop the automatic renewal yourself anytime, within your account.

Yes, you can access a limited selection of lesson plans within our free lesson plans section, you will find this on the header of each page on the website. To access the rest of the lesson plans, you will need to sign up to a monthly or yearly plan.

It’s easy! Log in to your account, go to subscription information, then click cancel.

Please contact [email protected] and we will be able to assist with this request.

Users are only permitted to share the pre- and post- work with students.

All free lesson plans are available to use without signing up. If you want to access a paid lesson, you will need to sign up to a monthly or yearly plan.

It’s easy! Use the search bar or filtering system on each category page of the website. If the lesson plan topic you had in mind doesn’t exist, please get in touch and we’ll endeavour to have it created for you.

General Questions

Please email [email protected] and a member of the team will get back to you within 24 hours.

Technical Issues

We are sorry to hear that! Please email [email protected] and will endeavour to find a solution ASAP.