Do I Need an ESL Lesson Plan for a Conversation Class?

Are you thinking about diving into the exciting world of English conversation classes? Fantastic! But before you get all chatty, let's address the elephant in the room – the importance of having a lesson plan. 

Yes, you heard it right! Don't fall into the trap of thinking, "Oh, it's just a conversation class; we can just wing it." Trust us; having a plan is like having a secret weapon in your language-teaching arsenal. Here's the lowdown on why your conversation class needs a lesson plan:

1. Small Talk Overload:

Picture this: an entire hour spent discussing the weather, weekend plans, and favourite movies. Exciting, right? Not so much. Without a plan, your class might turn into a small talk marathon. Let's face it; there are only so many times you can talk about the rain before things get a tad damp.

2. Students will NOT progress:

Your students are like linguistic explorers, ready to venture into new territory. But without a lesson plan, they might find themselves stuck in the same language rut. Without a structured plan, students will use the same words and phrases, stopping progression and ultimately you will lose that student. 

3. Your classes will be BORING. 

Boredom is the enemy of language learning. A class without a plan quickly becomes a snoozefest. Imagine the fifth class in, you and your student having the same conversation as the first class. Yawn! With a lesson plan, you can keep things fresh, engaging, and, most importantly, interesting.

4. Students will NOT return to your class. 

Students are like customers at a fabulous restaurant. If the first dining experience is meh, they're not coming back for seconds. Without a plan, your class might be a one-time wonder, leaving students unimpressed and unlikely to return. Let's avoid that, shall we? Click here

5. You WILL run out of things to talk about:

Sure, you think of questions in the first class, but what about the next class, and the class after that? The relentless task of creating questions is a headache. The pressure to think on your feet class after class, minute after minute is a persistent struggle that turns every session into a battle against the throbbing ache in your head. The solution, get a lesson plan!

6. Breathe confidence into your classroom. 

Enter the superhero cape – your lesson plan. Having a structured plan doesn't just benefit you; it's a confidence booster for your students too. Knowing there's a roadmap for their language journey provides a sense of purpose and direction, making the learning experience more enjoyable.

In conclusion, yes, you absolutely need an ESL lesson plan for your conversation class. It's the key to avoiding small talk fatigue, language stagnation, and the dreaded boredom bug. Plus, it ensures your students keep coming back for more, turning your class into a linguistic adventure they can't resist. Happy teaching! Stay up to date with all things ESL Speak Easy by following our social channels: Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn!

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